
Recipe: Cold Greek yogurt and cucumber soup

Photo: envato

Cold soups are the perfect lunch for hot days. They are ready in no time and are a real energy bomb. Thanks to fresh ingredients that are not thermally processed, cold soups are a source of health, as the food retains all its nutritional value. In this article, we reveal a recipe for a cold and refreshing soup made from Greek yogurt and cucumbers.

Cold Greek yogurt and cucumber soup

  • Servings: 4
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Rating: ★★★★★
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  • 2 large cucumbers
  • 400 ml of firm yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • fresh dill
  • a little lemon juice
  • salt and pepper


  1. Blend the cucumbers and mix with yogurt, add olive oil, chopped dill, lemon juice and parsley.
  2. Season with salt and pepper, mix everything well and serve cold.

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