
Recipe: delicious chocolate wine, a real holiday treat

Ready for a divine and creamy chocolate wine? The drink, which is actually also a dessert, will satisfy the desires of every gourmet. Read on to find out what you need for sinful chocolate wine.

Experts claim that both dark chocolate and red wine are good for us and should be included in our diet. We found a way and combined these two products in a delicious hot drink with a creamy texture, which will delight you and every guest who rings your doorbell during these festive days. Here is the recipe for delicious chocolate wine.

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Prepare delicious chocolate wine for the holidays!
Prepare delicious chocolate wine for the holidays!

Recipe for chocolate wine:

Ingredients - chocolate wine (for 2 cups):

  • a cup and a half of milk
  • a cup of red wine (such as Cabernet Sauvignon)
  • a third of a cup of crushed dark chocolate
  • whipped cream or whipped cream for decoration

Chocolate wine preparation process:
Mix the milk and chocolate in a saucepan and place over medium heat. Stir constantly so that the chocolate melts nicely and creates a creamy texture. Add the red wine and heat until the mixture is really hot. Then pour this hot mixture into 2 large cups or 6 to 8 smaller cups and decorate with whipped cream or champagne.

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