
Mexican food recipe: a low-calorie and quick lunch idea

Photo: Instagram @fruiteriacaldavid

Mexican food is becoming one of the most popular. Not only do we enjoy visiting Mexican restaurants, but we also enjoy preparing meals that originate in South America. The following is a recipe for a delicious, low-calorie lunch that will take you less than 10 minutes to prepare.

One of the most popular dishes when we talk about Mexican cuisine is without a doubt tortilla. It can be prepared in a thousand and one ways, and one of the most famous and also the most delicious is made from it chips. 100 grams of wheat tortilla contains about 100 calories, but don't worry: there is always an alternative even for those who are on a diet or better yet - on the hunt for healthy snack ideas.

You can replace the tortilla with crispy lettuce leaves, which you fill with different fillings. In this way, you will not only reduce your calorie intake, but also pamper your taste buds in a healthy way. With this alternative, you don't need an oven or a stove.


  • 1 can of tuna
  • 1 small can of sweet corn
  • 1 radish
  • ½ fresh cucumber
  • ¼ red onion
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • sour cream
  • lettuce leaves
  • a little lemon juice


Once you have prepared the ingredients, you can start working. Don't worry, the whole process will take you less than 10 minutes, which is why it is also an excellent choice for those whose busy schedules tend to discourage you from trying new recipes.

First of all, the salad is good wash it, dry and cut it to the size that suits you. Prepare the tuna from the can drain the oil. If desired season it with salt and pepper. Tuna add finely chopped onion, radish, fresh cucumber and sweet corn. Lettuce leaves fill up with a mixture. Foods add a little more sour cream and a few drops of lemon juice for a better taste. Bon Appetit!

If you like to play around in the kitchen and change recipes, we have prepared a few more tips for you. Instead of tuna you can also use beans, chickpea and similar legumes. You can spice up the snack with Mexican salsa or guacamole sauce and decorate with fresh avocados. You can add more other vegetables, such as tomatoes, peppers, carrots, celery stalks or whatever you find in the fridge.

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