
Recipe: healthy chocolate cake with a liquid center

Delicious AND healthy chocolate cake with a liquid center.

A warm chocolate cake with a liquid chocolate center and vanilla ice cream is undoubtedly a heavenly dessert for chocolate lovers. And in order not to have a bad conscience, we have prepared a healthy version, which is no less delicious.

A healthy chocolate cake with a liquid chocolate core she is right paleo dessert, gluten free and without milk. So everyone can enjoy it, even those who watch their figure! We can only wish for something better!

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Delicious AND healthy chocolate cake with a liquid center.
Delicious AND healthy chocolate cake with a liquid center.

Ingredients for a healthy chocolate cake with a liquid center:

  • 85 grams of dark chocolate (at least 60 %)
  • 24 grams of melted coconut oil
  • 31 grams of full fat coconut milk
  • 1 egg, warmed to room temperature
  • ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 28 grams of almond flour

Preparation of a healthy chocolate cake with a liquid center:

Heat the oven to 190 degrees Celsius. Grease 2 souffle pans with coconut oil and place baking paper on the bottom. Melt the dark chocolate over boiling water. When it melts, remove it and stir in the coconut oil and coconut milk. Mix to obtain a homogeneous mass. Mix the egg, vanilla extract, salt and almond flour in a bowl. Using a spatula, gently mix this mass into the chocolate mixture and mix until you get a smooth chocolate dough. Divide this evenly between two baking trays placed in a deep baking tray. Then fill it halfway with hot water. Place in the oven and bake for 17 minutes or until the edges are cooked and the center is soft. Then remove the soufflé pan from the bath and leave them to cool for 5 minutes. Serve. Have a good run!

You can also see the preparation of the dessert in the attached video:

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