
Recipe: homemade soup cubes

Photo: envato

And healthier than those from the store, you can use them in all dishes - from soups to sauces!

Many people hardly find time to cook between work and other obligations, so it's usually quick and prepared meals. But you don't need much time to prepare homemade soup cubes, and they will conjure up a delicious soup, sauce, or enrich the taste of other food.

Homemade soup cubes

  • Servings: 20
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Rating: ★★★★★
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  • chicken thighs or wings
  • carrots
  • parsley
  • green
  • onion


  1. Cut the vegetables (except parsley) into small pieces and put them in the pot, add the meat. Add water to cover, then cover and cook over low heat.
  2. Add water from time to time if you see that it has evaporated. Salt, pepper and add dry spices.
  3. When everything is well cooked, ie. when we get a thicker mixture, turn off the heat and add parsley.
  4. Allow to cool, then place in a blender and grind.
  5. Pour into an ice cube tray or other suitable container and place in the freezer overnight, then cut into cubes, place in a freezer bag and place in the freezer again and use as needed.

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