
Recipe: hot chocolate on a stick

Hot chocolate on a stick

Of all hot drinks, hot chocolate is the sweetest and most sinful. A treat that we can't get enough of and is especially good on cold winter days. It is one of the most popular hot drinks that is hard to resist, whether it is thin or thick like a pudding. Well, this time we offer you a slightly different hot chocolate recipe. Hot chocolate on a stick, which can also be a gift.

When you smell winter, you smell not only of mulled wine, but also of hot chocolate. Because you've probably already read the recipes for hot chocolate, this time we offer you an alternative. Hot chocolate on a stick. The preparation is really simple, and the result is divine.

READ MORE: Recipe: Creamy hot chocolate with pudding

Making hot chocolate on a stick is quick and easy.
Making hot chocolate on a stick is quick and easy.

Recipe for hot chocolate on a stick:

Ingredients for hot chocolate on a stick:

  • 200 g of chocolate (milk, dark, edible...)
  • 50 g of powdered sugar
  • 60 ml of sweet cream
  • 20 g of dark cocoa
Hot chocolate on a stick is also a wonderful gift.
Hot chocolate on a stick is also a wonderful gift.

Preparation of hot chocolate on a stick:
First, melt the chocolate in a water bath. This is done from two containers, namely the lower, larger container that contains hot water, and the upper, slightly smaller container, which is placed on the lower one so that it does not touch the water. We put everything on a gentle fire. Then pour the sweet cream into the upper bowl and sprinkle the chocolate pieces into it. Stir gently until the chocolate melts. When most of the chocolate has melted (about 2/3), set the bowl aside and continue mixing until a homogeneous creamy mass is obtained. Add powdered sugar and cocoa and mix well to get a homogeneous mixture again. Then just pour the mass into the molds (ice mold, muffin papers, etc.), insert the sticks and leave it overnight to cool and harden (it must not be in a humid place). Have a good run!

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