
Recipe: Mermaid toast - fairy spread

Mermaid toast

Want to know what kind of spread Ariel the Little Mermaid eats for breakfast? These days, Instagram was flooded with photos of toast with a magical spread. The fairytale combination lives up to the nickname 'Mermaid toast' and we checked out how to make it.

What happens when bread or toast and the story of the mermaid? Salat, which will have you licking your fingers. It is the food stylist's 'fault' Adeline Waugh, and how to prepare it, you will find out below.

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Recipe - fairy spread:

Ingredients for the fairy spread:

  • cream milk spread
  • spirulina powder
  • liquid chlorophyll
  • toast/bread

The process of preparing the fairy spread:
Add a very small amount of spirulina and chlorophyll to the cream spread and mix well. If we want a stronger pigment, we add a little more of both to get the desired color. You can spice up the spread with cucumbers, avocados, radishes, spices used for bread... As you will see in the photo gallery below, the limit is really only your imagination.

Gallery – Mermaid toast:

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