
Recipe: No-Bake Peanut Butter Chocolate Cheesecake

Do you want to make a simple but incredibly delicious dessert that doesn't need to be baked? Then make this Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecake, which is food for the gods!

This time, all chocolate and peanut butter lovers will get their money's worth. We have it for you chocolate cheesecake with no-bake peanut butter! You don't need any special cooking knowledge for this, just a good will and a desire for 'something sweet'.

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No-Bake Peanut Butter Chocolate Cheesecake
No-Bake Peanut Butter Chocolate Cheesecake

Ingredients – chocolate cheesecake with no-bake peanut butter (for 8 to 10 slices):

  • 10 whole grain crackers
  • 7 tablespoons of melted butter
  • 680 grams of cream cheese
  • 1 and ½ cups powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1 and ½ cups chocolate tears
  • 2 cups of melted peanut butter
  • 1 cup powdered sugar

Preparation of chocolate cheesecake with no-bake peanut butter:

Put the whole grain crackers in a plastic bag and crush them with a rolling pin to fine crumbs. Then pour the crumbs into a bowl and stir in the melted butter, mixing until you get a 'moist sand' texture. Then spread the mass on the baking sheet and place in the refrigerator.
In a large bowl, prepare the softened cream cheese and mix until you get a smooth mass. Add powdered sugar and vanilla extract and mix until there are no lumps. Mix in the melted chocolate and mix until you get a uniform mass. Pour the mixture over the cracker dough and flatten it. Place in the refrigerator.
In a large bowl, combine the melted peanut butter and powdered sugar. Pour the mass over the dessert and distribute it evenly. Place in the refrigerator for 2 to 4 hours. Have a good run!

Preparation of chocolate cheesecake with peanut butter can also be viewed in the attached video:

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