
Recipe: orange arancini - candied orange peel

Photo: envato

Candy that resembles gummy candies, but is full of flavor and aroma. We are talking about arancina, candied and flavored orange peels, which are characteristic of the Mediterranean environment. They have been making these for many years and are a popular dessert regardless of the season. In addition to orange, you can also make them from lemon and tangerine, and the process is the same.

Orange arancini - candied orange peel

  • Servings: 4
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Rating: ★★★★★
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  • 500 g of orange peel, cut into strips
  • 500 g of sugar + for sprinkling
  • water


  1. Cut the orange peel into equal-sized strips.
  2. Place the peels in a pot of cold water, heat until boiling and cook for about five minutes.
  3. Drain the water and repeat the process two more times.
  4. Drain the orange peel and prepare the syrup.
  5. Add sugar and enough water to cover the sugar in the pot.
  6. Boil gently until all the sugar has dissolved.
  7. Add strips of orange peel to the syrup, reduce the temperature and cook for about half an hour.
  8. Then turn off the stove and let the orange peels sit in the syrup until they cool down.
  9. After they have cooled, drain the orange peel of excess syrup and place each strip separately on baking paper.
  10. Leave the arancini to dry overnight and sprinkle them with sugar the next day.
  11. Let them dry a little more and they are ready to eat.

How to save arancines

Arancini can be stored in paper-lined jars or boxes. They are a great stand-alone snack, but they also go well with chocolate desserts and cookies. Lemon lovers can prepare arancini with lemon peels or mandarin peels. For an even better dessert, you can partially dip the arancini in melted chocolate.

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