
Recipe: Oreo Popcorn

Oreo Popcorn Recipe

Have you ever tried Oreo popcorn? Chances are you've eaten both salty and sweet popcorn, but definitely not Oreo popcorn! Once you know this recipe, you won't want to have anything else with you while watching a movie or a game!

Oreo cookies they are a great snack. Popcorn too. Oreo Popcorn but they are divine. After you learn how to make oreos popcorn, you won't be interested in anything else while watching football or a movie.

READ MORE: A recipe and a simple trick to make the perfect popcorn

No other snack beats Oreo popcorn. No chips, no smokies, not cookies, not the yellowest popcorn from the movie theater that was previously soaked in palm oil!

Delicious oreo popcorn.
Delicious oreo popcorn.

Oreo Popcorn Recipe:

Ingredients for Oreo Popcorn:

  • popcorn
  • 15 Oreo cookies
  • white chocolate tears
  • pinch of salt

The process of making Oreo popcorn:
Grind the Oreo cookies in a food processor to form crumbs. Save some for later and pour the melted white chocolate over the rest. Pour the mixture over the ready-made popcorn, which you have arranged on the baking sheet, add a pinch of salt, mix and, while they are still moist, sprinkle with the rest of the cookie crumbs. Wait 15 minutes for the mass to harden, break and serve. Have a good run!

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