
Recipe: sinfully good pancakes with Nutella filling

Recipe: Pancakes with Nutella fillings

Do you swear by Nutella pancakes? Then you must also try the pancakes with Nutella filling! Prepare them by using Nutella during the baking of the pancakes instead of afterwards. Find out how below. It's quite simple! You won't be able to stop eating these pancakes!

Hmmm, pancakes and Nutella! It can be even tastier than Pancakes with Nutella? We also thought not until recently, but then we discovered pancakes with Nutella filling and get to know a new dimension of gourmet pleasure. Stop spreading Nutella on already baked pancakes, but use it already during baking itself! These pancakes they just melt in your mouth.

Finger licking!
Finger licking!

All those who want to make something more out of pancakes should must try this recipe. They definitely are the most delicious pancakes, which you have ever eaten. All you have to do differently from the classic pancake baking is yes knead the dough a little thicker as usual. When you pour it on the pan (don't spread the batter all over the pan), add Nutella to the thick layer of dough and cover it with dough. When the pancake is cooked enough, turn it over and the pancake with Nutella filling is ready.

Go about baking pancakes a little differently.
Go about baking pancakes a little differently.

For an easy demonstration, see below video recipe, and we also include a classic one recipe for pancake batter. To make it thicker, add a little more flour than usual.

Recipe: pancakes with Nutella filling

Ingredients (8 pancakes):

  • 100 g of flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 300 ml of milk
  • 1 tablespoon of oil
  • pinch of salt

Sift flour into a bowl, add a pinch of salt, mix and make a well in the middle. Beat eggs into it and add 50 ml of milk and a tablespoon of oil. Start mixing the ingredients in the well with a mixer and while mixing, gradually scoop the flour around the well. Mix until all the flour is mixed in, or to obtain a thick and smooth mixture without lumps (if necessary, add a little milk in between). While mixing, slowly pour the rest of the milk into the bowl. When you get a smooth and liquid dough, stop mixing. The dough should be liquid, but not watery. In this case, add a little more flour. Let the dough rest for 15 to 30 minutes before baking, so that the starch granules in the liquid swell, and mix it well again before baking.

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