
Red Bull Air Race - Insane footage of the biggest adrenaline rushes

When the robust sound of the engine roars, the entire aircraft cabin vibrates. The pilot's nerves tense up, the adrenaline bubble is ready to burst at a low start. Three. Two. One. The plane takes off into the blue, into the heights, where for the next few minutes neither he nor the pilot knows the limits of the acrobatic width they will create in the sky. Are you ready to turn up the pressure? Ready for the craziest footage from past Red Bull Air Race events? Fasten your seat belts, we're taking off!

The sky's the limit, many say, and this weekend will certainly be the case for some wild air racing Red Bull Air Race, which will thunder in the picturesque coastal town Rovinj, where preparations for this magnificent adrenaline event are already taking place these days. Since we are already quite impatient and unexpected, we looked into how crazy and wild the air races can be, which are returning to the skies after a three-year hiatus.

The first of seven air races, which will provide real vertigo in six countries on three continents, took place in Abu Dhabi took place on the last Friday in February and the first Saturday in March, and the title of winner was defended by the reigning champion of the last two Red Bull Air Races in 2009 and 2010 Paul Bonhomme from Great Britain.

It seems that Bonhomme will be a tough nut to crack this year as well, as four years ago he defended the championship title in 2009 and so flew to the top step for the second time. "I didn't expect the results to be so close," he said after taking his 14th career victory in Abu Dhabi. "I assumed that the time differences between the pilots would decrease due to the rule changes. But not so much. Now it's for real and no one can afford to make a mistake."

Exotic places are perfect for such attractive races as they are Red Bull Air Race, which were canceled after 2010 with the aim of improving safety and reorganizing them. An accident, even if it is just the touch of an airplane wing with a pole, definitely never rests.

In the race in Rovinj ours will also premiere Peter Podlunšek, who will compete on Saturday, April 12. Peter and the other newcomers managed to get into the Red Bull Air Race 2014 Challenger Cup. New for 2014, it allows eight new drivers from seven different countries to compete in the Challenger Cup for points. So are we ready? Absolutely! Saturday is just around the corner and the adrenaline in the blood is increasing.

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