
Red dahlia: Fall 2023 fashion sensation that will make you forget barbie pink

How to refresh your wardrobe for autumn?

Rdeča Dalija
Photo: JC Gelidon/Unsplash
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Forget summer Barbie pink - fall 2023 is all about Red Dahlia! Discover how this hot color is taking over the runways and how you can incorporate it into your everyday life.

When summer turns to autumn, not only the leaves change, but also our wardrobes. If you've been obsessed with the Barbie pink shade that reigned supreme this summer, it's time to get ready for a new fashion sensation – the red dahlia. And no, it's not the name of a new soap opera, but a color that promises to refresh your wardrobe and make you the star of any fall event."

We all know how color can affect our mood. In the summer, we indulged in bright and vibrant colors that reflected sunny days and carefree moments. But autumn is the time for something more earthy, warm and elegant. Enter Red Dahlia.

Why Red Dahlia?

Well, if you thought pink was only for summer, you're wrong. Red Dahlia is a deeper, more mature shade of pink that suits the cooler months perfectly. And while it might sound like the name of your new favorite lipstick, it's a color you'll want to wear from head to toe.


How to wear the Red Dahlia?

For those who are not sure how to incorporate this color into their wardrobe, we have some tips. Start slowly with accessories – maybe a pair of shoes or a bag. If you're more daring, why not try a dress or coat in this shade? And if you're feeling really adventurous, go for the perfect 'monochrome' look in Red Dahlia.



Whether you're a pink lover or not, Red Dahlia is a must-try shade this fall. It's fresh, elegant and totally on trend. So why not give this new color a chance and see how it can refresh your wardrobe and your mood?”

I hope you found this article helpful and inspired you to try something new this fall. And remember, fashion is always fun, so play around with colors to find the one that best suits your personal style!

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