
Regular check-ups of skin tags are the solution to skin cancer


Photo: envato

With the public health project #SaveYourSkin, the leading dermocosmetic brand La Roche-Posay, which is supported by the Association of Slovenian Dermatovenerologists, draws attention to the importance of regular checkups for skin tags and provides free checkups for tags in five Slovenian cities.

V Ljubljana, Maribor, Kranj, Koper and Novi Mesto fifteen Slovenian dermatovenerologist doctors will perform more than 400 medical examinations of signs with the aim of early detection and prevention of skin cancer, and La Roche-Posay experts will provide education on the locations about proper skin protection from the sun. Screenings are completely free to the public, places are limited, and advance online registration will be required.

The project was also supported by the Association of Slovenian Dermatovenereologists, the vice president of the association, prof. dr. Igor Bartenjev, Ph.D. med., spec. derm., and said:

The Association of Slovenian Dermatovenerologists strives for the preservation and advancement of the profession. We have been participating in the Euromelanoma day European project for years, which is mainly aimed at raising awareness among people, especially at risk groups of the population. We support various activities organized by organizations and individuals, which are complementary to our fundamental orientations and efforts. The #SaveYourSkin project will further strengthen our efforts during Melanoma Prevention Month, so we are very happy to be involved.

Save Your Skin: #SaveYourSkin

Data from the World Health Organization shows that malignant melanoma accounts for as much as one third of all new cancer cases, which is alarming. Behind skin melanoma, annually in Slovenia about 700 people fall ill. Despite the fact that it represents only 3 % of all skin cancers, it is precisely this melanoma that causes the most deaths. In the world, it is also considered a form of cancer that is most common in the age group of 20 to 30 years and causes the most deaths among women aged 25 to 30 years.

The vast majority of skin marks are not dangerous, but there is a possibility that some of them can develop into skin cancer. This can also be created anew, i.e. in a place where there was no existing mark. Melanoma occurs in about a third of cases develops from a pigmented mark, but mostly it arises anew. It can occur in anyone, but people with very light skin, many pigment marks, those who have been burned by the sun several times in the past, and also those who have a close relative who has suffered from melanoma are especially susceptible to it.

A dermatologist, who knows all forms of non-dangerous signs as well as forms of skin cancer, has investigative methods at his disposal that enable a correct diagnosis to be made in time.

Regular check-ups are key: Melanoma can be cured if detected in time

If melanoma is detected early, it is curable with simple surgery, as statistics show that it is skin cancer curable in 99 % cases, if we discover it in time. If left undetected and untreated, it will eventually spread to other organs and unfortunately cause death. Early detection is therefore the most important to reduce mortality. And that is precisely why the Association of Slovenian Dermatovenerologists and Prof. dr. Igor Bartenev emphasize the importance of regular examination and self-examination of skin marks: "We must be aware that melanoma is the tumor whose incidence is increasing the fastest among all cancers of the human body. On the other hand, if detected in time, melanoma is completely curable! It is therefore important to detect and treat it early, when it is still limited to the upper layers of the skin. We also know that the vast majority of melanomas develop in the skin, and the skin is very accessible for examination. A dermatological examination is therefore the basis for timely detection of melanoma! At the same time, self-examination should also be emphasized, because in developed societies, where the awareness of the population is high, a large number of people just discover a suspicious change in their skin."

Have skin tags examined by a dermatologist at the following locations:

  • Ljubljana: May 20 and 21, 2022 (Novi trg)
  • Kranj: May 24, 2022 (Slovenski trg)
  • Maribor: May 25, 2022 (Main square)
  • New City: May 26, 2022 (Main Square)
  • Koper: May 28, 2022 (Taverna)

Free dermatological examinations are ongoing between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. and between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. You can order a review on the website www.laroche-posay.si. The number of places is limited.

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