
Remember, toxic people will never appreciate your efforts

Photo: Callie Morgan/Unsplash

Don't try to change them. Don't put energy into trying to change a toxic person because they don't want to change. They won't give you what you want.

Although you have a soft heart and tend to see the good in people, you shouldn't let a toxic person manipulate you. You might feel like you're doing the right thing by giving them a second chance, but you'll probably end up disappointed.

Toxic people will not appreciate the effort you put into the relationship. They won't wake up one morning and suddenly realize how much you do for them. They won't suddenly decide to treat you better. Maybe just for a moment if they suspect they're going to lose you.

They may at times (usually when they need something) change their game for a few days to get what they want, but there will be no permanent change. They will not change into a new person. They won't choose to invest as much in the relationship as you do.

Toxic people only care about themselves - and what you can do for them. They won't feel bad about taking advantage of you because they feel like they deserve all the effort you put into the relationship. They won't bother. The favor will not be returned. They will not change to meet your expectations.

Don't bother, there's no point. Photo: Ben White/Unsplash

Stop trying to change toxic people because you are powerless when it comes to their decisions. You can't make them see reason. You cannot convince them that you are worthy of their time, trust, effort and attention.

It doesn't matter how much you do for them. It doesn't matter how much you love them. They will not look at your relationship logically. They won't care what you had to go through to still be there for them.

Instead of changing themselves, they will try to change you. They will convince you to settle for less than you deserve. They will act like you can't do better than them.

Don't try to change toxic people because it's not your responsibility to teach someone how to treat you.

You should be with someone who shows you respect from the start. With someone who would never dream of hurting you. With someone who understands your worth.

Don't waste your time on toxic people. Don't put your energy into trying to change them. They will probably disappoint you. Even if they surprise you by changing their relationship, do you really want to be with someone who once manipulated and lied to you? And where is it written that it won't happen again?

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