
Renault Symbioz is part of your home

Renault Symbioz is part of your home.

Renault envisioned its Symbioz vehicle of the future in 2030. The basic idea comes from the warmth of home, which every one of us enjoys and which in most cases we are reluctant to leave. The interior of Symbiosis is designed as another room in the home, where you can be completely relaxed and feel at home. It will be kind of like sitting down at the living room table and driving to work.

Renault Symbiosis it is fully autonomous car, in which passengers feel at their maximum homemade and relaxed. The interior is designed as a kind space in the house, with a central table around which passengers can casually engage with each other or focus on their work. The Symbiosis has an interesting elongated shape with a low and flat roof, surrounded on all sides by a pile LED lights. Because the car is real smart and autonomous, appears when the function is switched on Mind-off the dashboard automatically moves back from the passengers to give them more space relaxation. The computer will be too automatically recognized passengers and thus adapted the favorite sitting position and the most comfortable temperature to each of them.

They are installed in the rear of the Renault Symbioza two electric motors, which have more than 600 horsepower. Battery with capacity 72 kWh provides enough energy for passengers 500 kilometers, even in highway conditions. It can also be charged wirelessly, 80 % charge and we reach already in 20 minutes. Renault's Symbioz concept will thus truly be a home world in miniature, as it can be imagined as a smaller room, with which we go about our daily tasks. The smart car drives while we focus on our favorite tasks. And all this in style and elegance.


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