
Research on the exact number: how many times you should have sex according to your age!

Photo: Jessica Gaudioso / Pexels

A question that many people are interested in is how many intimate relationships are normal at a certain age... but many also wonder if their libido is above average.

Are you interested in the exact numbers? Let's look at some of the findings of the famous institute for gender research Kinsley and let's focus on the juicy numbers.

Older people are less inclined to play between the sheets, right? Well, it turns out that this is a completely wrong opinion! A recent study showed the opposite. According to research, they have most sexual activities people between 18 and 29 years: on average, they are said to be intimate just 112 times per year. In later years, the number decreases slightly: people aged from 30 to 39 years in one year, sexual activities measure 86 "acts". Between the ages of 40 and 49, this activity drops to approx 69 times per year.


Are you interested in how stress and illness affect your sex life?

It is a misconception that older people have less desire for sex! Scientists proved the opposite! But they are often hindered in their activity by a deteriorated self-esteem and other life circumstances. Anyone who is under stress, has an illness or many responsibilities has less time and energy for sex.


Optimists have more sex!

Another one research once showed how sex life, age and health are interdependent: participants had to fill out questionnaires and reveal details about their sex life over the past two years - including how often they had sex. In addition, respondents were asked to indicate their age, sense of self-worth, and libido. Research have shown that people with better health are more likely to be active and balanced sex life. But they showed something more encouraging: whoever is an optimist in old age is likely to live a fuller sex life.

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