
Research has discovered the recipe for marital happiness: tall men and short women have the best marriages!

Photo: IG @kristenbellpositivity

Some scientists claim that the difference in height is related to the quality of the marriage, and tall men and shorter women have the best chances, according to them.

Why is that? Of course, regardless of all the research, height should never be the key to happiness and love, but the research is really interesting to read...

Affection for taller men

Kitae Sohn scrutinized data on 7,850 women during his research. He found that the level of happiness in women depends on the height of their partner. This can be attributed to evolution, which made tall men more attractive to women for no particular reason. The researcher also came to the conclusion that height plays a role only in the first 18 years of the relationship.

Protection and femininity

The research he and his team did George Yancey from the University of North Texas, was concerned with the question of whether a man's height affects his attractiveness. 601 women participated in it. Most of the respondents agreed with the statement that they feel safe and feminine around a tall man.


The study you find here, proved that there is a link between intelligence and height. Taller men are considered smarter on average, but that doesn't mean their shorter friends are stupid.

Higher income

This one research is of the opinion that tall men have higher incomes. Anne Case and Christina Paxson calculated that each additional centimeter of height translates into roughly a percentage increase in income.

Social position

Tall men participate more often in social activities, which is reflected in better social position. In this way, they develop the ability to adapt to changes in society, which is key in achieving the set goals.

What is the "perfect" difference in height?

An interesting answer to this question was given by a Polish anthropologist Boguslaw Pawlowski. The "perfect" height ratio between a woman and a man is said to be 1:1.09. You can calculate the ratio by simply dividing the man's height by the woman's height.

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