
Lesce airport restaurant

There are few restaurants where we are interrupted during lunch by a plane that is taking off or landing. That is why a visit to the Lesce Airport Restaurant, which can be seen if you drive along the main road towards Jesenice, is unique and unforgettable. Their cuisine is just like that, which is joined in every period of the year by different...

Basic information
Lesce airport restaurant
Begunjska cesta 10
in the summer season from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m., off-season from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., closed on Mondays
(04) 533 30 06

There are few restaurants where we are interrupted during lunch by a plane that is taking off or landing. That is why a visit to the Lesce Airport Restaurant, which can be seen if you drive along the main road towards Jesenice, is unique and unforgettable. Their cuisine is just like that, which is joined by different seasonal dishes in every period of the year. Among the starters, the vitamin plate, venison pate and Adria stuffed tomato stand out. For fish lovers, they prepare trout or squid, and for those who like to experiment, snails au gratin with cheese or frog legs with tartar sauce. Among the main dishes, we should mention Balkan-style chicken, pilot-style veal cutlet, onion brzola and hunter-style deer steak. Even the youngest get a special plate. Desserts are a special story, you can sweeten yourself with a traditional Blej gramada, pineapple with cream, fruit yogurt cake or chestnut ice cream. Every season, a few new dishes are added to the classic menu. In April, green plums are popular, in May, strawberries join the desserts, and in autumn, we can try chestnut dishes. Visiting the restaurant is a real experience, as we can watch planes take off and land from close range, so we are not bored at lunch even when we stop by ourselves for a snack. If we are fans of the hustle and bustle of the airport and we like to watch the planes, we are catered for on the terrace. We are only about four kilometers away from Bled, so the possibility of walking and recreation is also great. Therefore, a visit to the Lesce Airport Restaurant can be turned into a full-day family trip.


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