
Restaurant Day 2015 – a celebration of food and one-day restaurants

Restaurant Day is a food festival that is voluntarily co-created by thousands of people around the world who both organize and visit one-day restaurants. The idea of the day is to have fun, share and try new culinary delights from around the world. This year, on August 16, we have the opportunity to attend Restaurant Day 2015.

Important information
everywhere in the world
Facebook event
Entrance fee
for free

Coffee and pastries on the pier, delicacies from the food kiosk or dinner for six in our living room - what is it like our ideal restaurant? The more entertaining the concept we create, the more customers we can attract. Everything we need for Restaurant Day – Restaurant Day is when we start thinking about what kind of restaurant we ourselves want. In the summer, we can also use the park, courtyards and street corners for this.

READ MORE: FerFud: The fairest culinary experience on Slovenian streets

When we choose place and menu, we can register our restaurant on the website www.restaurantday.org. All we have to do is ensure that the name of our restaurant also sums up its concept. Then we set the opening hours and fill in some other details, and we can also create an event on Facebook to better reach the audience.

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