
Reuse: great ideas for recycling cardboard boxes

Samsung Electronics has introduced new eco-friendly packaging for TVs with the aim of reducing its environmental footprint. The new eco-friendly packaging, which is made from environmentally friendly corrugated cardboard, will be used on The Serif, The Frame and The Sero TVs, making it easier for consumers to recycle and reuse cardboard boxes.

They added on each side of the corrugated cardboard packaging matrix markers, which allow users to more easily cut and reassemble packaging for various other purposes. For example, users can build from cardboard packaging cat house, magazine racks or even storage shelves.

The packaging also includes instruction manual, how to make different items from packaging that you can use in your home. Users access the instructions by scanning the QR code on the packaging.

Samsung and Dezeen, a British lifestyle magazine, also hosted a global competition for the most innovative item made from packaging. Users can submit a submission until May 29, 2020. The most innovative models will be awarded, which Samsung will also include in its manual.

Gallery: great ideas for recycling cardboard boxes

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Samsung TV Instagram (@samsungtv)

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