
We reveal: How long someone takes to reply to your message says everything about that person!

Photo: envato

Have you ever been in that (un)pleasant situation of waiting for a reply to a message you sent to the person you like. You wrote the message, with excitement and butterflies in your stomach, followed by pure anxiety. Why is he still not replying to the message? When will he answer? Did I write something wrong?

Will he even answer? Is everything okay? Is he alive? If he doesn't answer now, it's better not at all. Countless questions without answers.

Did you know that texting someone you like, date, or have a relationship with is the highest on the stress scale? Let's see what you can tell about a person by the time it takes them to reply to your message.

Answered before you even sent the message

If someone "reads your mind" so to speak, it means that you have found your soulmate, so to speak. This definitely means that this is a person with whom you will get along very well, who pays attention and listens to what you say.

Answers in seconds

When someone replies in a few seconds and you don't have to wait long for their replies, it means that they are very interested in you and are willing to devote time to you and your message. It probably cheers him up. When this person is your partner or potential partner, know that this is the type of person who doesn't waste time, doesn't play games, and enjoys corresponding with you.

Answer quickly. Photo: Docusign UI / Unsplash

Answer in a few minutes

This is also a sign that the person you are texting with is interested in you and is probably checking their phone in hopes of seeing your message. If you like him, rest assured that there is a chance that something will happen between the two of you. If you are unsure, you may feel pressured to respond regularly and quickly. Of course, there is a rhythm of communication where mutual interest is easy to establish on both sides.

Answer within 10 minutes

This could mean that he has an obligation and doesn't look at his phone that often (there are people for whom the phone is not an extension of his life), or that he is interested in you, but waits a little before answering to create a positive expectation in you.

Answer in about an hour

This means that you are on his radar and he likes you, but you haven't built a close relationship yet. If the response time decreases over time, this is a good sign, but if it increases, it means that there is no longer interest.

I could answer now. Photo: Paul Hanaoka / Unspalsh

It always responds in the same time intervals

For example, if he always texts you around 1 p.m., it may mean that he is very busy and has a little free time at that time. On the other hand, if he always takes, say, 44 minutes to reply to a message, maybe he read that somewhere as a "rule" of dating, or maybe a friend told him so.

Sometimes he answers in a second, and sometimes only in the evening

This can mean two things. Perhaps the person you are corresponding with could not answer because they have such a job or an unexpected situation, and despite the fact that the answer takes only a few seconds, they do not answer. He just doesn't have time.

But more often than not, it means that this person may be interested in you, but is inconsistent in their desires. When he thinks of you he answers in a second, when that second passes he simply forgets about you. You don't need such a person, because at the end of the day you will have anxious thoughts and endless questions about what is wrong.

Answer only towards evening

And this is a situation that is not necessarily alarming, because it happens to everyone. Someone is on the way, at work, exhausted, falls asleep. However, if it happens often and you feel bad about it, talk about it.

You've been checking, seriously, for days. Photo: Peter Kasprzyk/Unsplash

Answer a few days later

If this is happening, it is definitely not a good sign because he is definitely playing with your feelings. Too many questions arise in you, such a person is selfish and thinks only of himself. Don't waste any more time on her.

Answer about a week later

In this case, unless he answers you with an incredibly big reason, it means that he is not interested in you, that such a person does not care about you. Maybe she was lonely and had fun with you because no one else was around. Definitely don't reply to her message.

Reply when you've already forgotten about that person

Such a person has been playing with you all the time, probably side by side with other people, and then one night, when she was alone and wanted attention, she thought why not text you.

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