

Spring is the season when we clean. We clean our closets, clean our home, clean our surroundings, maybe even clean our thoughts and spirit.

Did you know that you have a spring cleaning roots in Persia? The people there practiced it khooneh tekouni, which could be literally translated as "shaking the house", and by turning the house upside down, so to speak, they were preparing for the coming New Year. Some believe that spring cleaning, as we know it today, has origins in Jewish culture and prepare for the Jewish Passover or Passover. And considering that it is still a tradition in our country to thoroughly clean and prepare the house for the celebration of Easter, it might be easier to relate to the second theory.

What if this year we also took part in a cleaning campaign that includes our wider surroundings? In just a few days, you will have the opportunity to help co-create a more beautiful capital within the framework cleaning campaigns for a more beautiful Ljubljana. And not only that - a number of cleaning campaigns will take place or are already taking place in Slovenia during this time, which help to a better tomorrow. Changes start at our door! Namely, if several "small" people in several "small" places do several "small" things, they can change the world!

This time, in the new issue, we bring it to you some tips for May Day wanderings, something fashion creations from the Ljubljana Fashion Week, many great ones events, urban, technological and mobile innovations.

I wish you a pleasant reading and happy holidays, which are already knocking on the door.

Lucia Marko,

Instagram: lucymarko
E: lucija.marko@citymagazine.si

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