
Robot postman PostBOT: the postman's best friend?

Is the joy of the dogs that love to bark at the village postman slowly coming to an end? Who will our grandmothers be able to help a little now? Well, let's not be too dramatic. We would like to introduce you to PostBOT, the first robot postman who, if he passes the tests, will carry all the mail in the company of the postman. It will also be immune to dog barking.

German Post Deutsche Post has chosen a city in Germany, the 'smart city' Bad Hersfeld, where PostBOT will get its first chance to prove itself. They chose him at Deutsche Post because he is the postman's work is too physically demanding and it is high time that modern technology came to his aid.

PostBOT it is completely autonomous robot, which was supposed to replace the postman's (heavy) bag. Loads can be up to 6 mailboxes, and the total weight can reaches 150 kilograms. PostBOT will tracked the postman's feet through sensors, and will also be able to avoid any obstacle. Due to its robust and airtight housing, it is suitable for any weather conditions. Well, what a help it would be if it only worked in a pleasant 20 degrees Celsius. It is also worth mentioning that they are in the development of PostBOT postmen actively participated, who knew the most about the conditions at their work.

PostBOT will conduct testing for a month and a half, followed by evaluations, corrections and possibly new testing. We have no doubt that we will soon see him in our yards as well.

PostBOT robot postman – the postman's best friend

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