
Rok's Peanut Butter - peanut butter from Kickstarter = "butter" of a Slovenian

Rok's Peanut Butter - 100% natural peanut butter

Rok's Peanut Butter is a new Slovenian product that found its way onto Kickstarter. The peanut butter, which is based on a unique recipe and is free of additional salt, preservatives and oils, was signed by 28-year-old Slovenian Rok Starič. The latter is no stranger to butter production, but the demand for his healthy product exceeded the supply, so he turned to a crowdfunding platform for help, where he is raising start-up funds to produce a grinder for finely grinding peanuts.

Rok Old man it is from Medvod on Kickstarter introduced the product Rok's Peanut Butter, peanut butter, with which he collects funds for development and production a more powerful peanut grinder, as it no longer keeps pace with the current demand. He discovered the butter recipe by pure chance, or rather he did fruit of the bet. He made a bet with his colleagues that within a year his stomach would be adorned with a "six pack", so he cut all unhealthy food from his diet, except that he could not give up peanut butter. After some online research, he came to the conclusion that it actually is ideal food for athletes and for weight maintenance.

Rok's Peanut Butter – 100% natural peanut butter by Rok Starič.
Rok's Peanut Butter – 100% natural peanut butter by Rok Starič.

But because the sales shelves did not give the product without sugars and preservatives, decided to mix one himself. And since success requires a bloody fight, Rok Starič took it literally. He started with unshelled peanuts and they were the result bloody fingers, which was joined by the smell of burnt peanuts and "capitulated" grinder. But the effort was rewarded, because today he is reaping the fruits of his hard work.

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In the butter there is neither the spirit nor the hearing about sugar and other emulsifiers and preservatives, which is also guaranteed Institute of Nutrition (NUTRIS). Quality 100 percent natural product were recognized by many and today Starič with old equipment can no longer keep up with demand. That's why he stuck his head out some time ago with young engineers and will be if there is a campaign on Kickstarter successful, already a month after its completion richer for a grinder for finely grinding peanuts, which already exists on paper and with which it will be quite scaled production time of peanut butter. The goal is five thousand dollars, and all supporters can expect their glass of butter somewhere in the middle September 2015.

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