
The room

Probably the Room in the middle of BTC City, where we can sit outside in the sun when the weather is nice, is one of the few oases where we can take refuge during the bustle of work. At the Alley of Youth, as they call it, they surprised us with another novelty. We will not only go to Soba for coffee. In the middle of May, a new salad bar was opened in Soba, where you can...

Basic information
The room
Šmartinska 152, BTC
Mon.–Sun. from 7 a.m. to midnight
051 303 332

Probably the Room in the middle of BTC City, where we can sit outside in the sun when the weather is nice, is one of the few oases where we can take refuge during the bustle of work. At the Alley of Youth, as they call it, they surprised us with another novelty. We will not only go to Soba for coffee. In the middle of May, a new salad bar was opened in Soba, where you can put together your favorite salad from a wide range of different ingredients and dressings. We have a variety of salads that can be prepared for us in Soba, but it will probably be more interesting if we put it together ourselves. We can choose from almost fifty toppings to put on top of the basic green salad. The range is really large: horse meat, chicken, fish, all kinds of vegetables, as well as crabs and similar delicious additions can be found. We will cover our salad with one of the offered dressings, such as yogurt, Provençal, tuna, herbal, and of course there are also various oils available, from olive to pumpkin, as well as balsamic and other vinegars. We will snack on toasted bread with each salad, and a wide selection of drinks will satisfy your thirst. If we don't like the food, we can still just sit down for a coffee or a refreshing drink, which will be nice in the summer heat.

At Florjan's

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