
Rooms - Facebook's anonymous online messaging app with a 90s twist

Facebook's design team presented the Rooms application, a virtual refuge for everyone who likes to advertise incognito, that is, under a pseudonym. This social network requires a real identity to open a profile, but for many people, the web is the only place that gives them freedom of expression through anonymity. And since everything happens on Facebook, these virtual rooms for chatting about any topic allow them to be where everyone is.

The largest social network Facebook or their unit Creative Labs is for users iPhones developed an application Rome, which she equipped with retro "interior" and which we are used to from chat rooms and online forums (from here also inspiration for creators).

"The Society of Anonymous Facebookers."
"A society of anonymous Facebookers."

So it is an amalgam 90's and the present, for the "society of anonymous Internet users" who prefer to introduce themselves as comic book characters or below pseudonym, which protects theirs identity, as superheroes of innocent people.

READ MORE: Mark Zuckerberg: 8 quotes from the father of Facebook

V virtual rooms you can exchange thematically colored texts, photos and videos. And if you can't find the topic you want, create one. Surely there will be someone else who would like to share an opinion about piston rings, sofas or Tom & Jerry.

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