
The roots of European design - Slovenia: opening of the RED project exhibition and symposium

The Roots of the European Design project (hereafter RED project) investigates the relationship between modern and traditional art in the field of applied arts and design, studies artistic traditions in European countries and reveals the influences of ancient motifs, symbols and techniques that have and still influence on contemporary artists and their art.

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RED project wants to provide answers to the following questions:

  • how can cultural heritage participates in a better and more tolerant understanding of history and intercultural dialogue among European citizens,
  • what a seal of the past is carried by modern art and
  • what is the relationship like between local culture and the history of contemporary art in the European Union?

Exhibition and symposium RED project will be in the Slovenian cultural space connected, inspired and encouraged to further explore the usage presentation of Slovenian roots and riches European traditions, enabled support for modern designers, giving them new knowledge and connections at the European level, connected common points of contact between European folk arts and modern design, researched old techniques in modern applied art, provided answers to how modern ecological and sustainable design can use work methods in traditional crafts and entered Slovenia into the map of the European network of experts.

A neat project
A neat project

RED project Slovenia under the aegis Art:courses will present his conclusions at an exhibition and a one-day symposium on the topic "Roots of European design in contemporary art".
As representatives of Slovenia, Art:courses were invited to participate in the RED project in the company of seven selected countries: Albania, the Czech Republic, Italy, Hungary, Poland and Romania.
Under the expert guidance of M.Sc. Andreje Čeligoj researches, reveals and provides the Slovenian answer to the relationship and influences on the topic of Slovenian traditional art in contemporary design

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Project partners

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The opening of the exhibition "ROOTS OF EUROPEAN DESIGN - SLOVENIA" will take place on November 4, 2014 at 8:00 p.m. in the ZRC Atrium - SAZU Ljubljana

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