
Round anniversaries in the world of film deserve a premiere

Jan Cvitkovič will present himself with the film Hund psov.

The year of cinema in Kinodvor continues the celebration of its 90th anniversary with interesting film events, which is not the only round number in the world of cinema. The Staragara production house is celebrating its first decade, and the oldest international film festival in the world - the Venice Festival - is celebrating its seventieth edition, both of which will be marked with a very special event at the Ljubljana City Cinema.

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Enviable anniversaries Staregare and of the Venice Film Festival they will be in A year of cinema celebrated with the premiere of the founders' latest short films Staregare. Jan Cvitkovič will thus present itself with a film A hundred dogs, while we will also see on the screen for the first time The cry of Janez Burger, which will be followed by the omnibus Venezia 70 – Future Reloaded.

A scene from the movie Hundred Dogs, author Jan Cvitkovič.
A scene from the movie Hundred Dogs, author Jan Cvitkovič.

Venezia 70 – Future Reloaded is the project of Alberto Barbera and Stefano Francia di Cello, who at 70th anniversary of the Venice Film Festival invited 70 directors to make a 60- to 90-second film to mark this remarkable event with complete creative freedom. Among the filmmakers who accepted the invitation are world-renowned masters, established directors and young people who have already had the opportunity to prove their talent, and each of them has participated in the festival at least once in the last twenty years. Future Reloaded is a group tribute Venice Film Festival and at the same time a reflection on the future of film through the personal perspective of each individual director, as well Jan Cvitkovič.

Kinodvor 90 – Staragara 10 – Venezia 70 @ Kinodvor
January 21, 2014, 8:00 p.m
Entry is free.

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