
The rules of attraction: 76 percent of women want this kind of man. Are you among them?

Do all women really want their partner to be a manly and fearless man?

What have fairy tales taught us? That a cute, long-haired and feminine princess, who is trapped in a castle, can't wait for the moment to be rescued by a strong and manly prince. And then they will live happily ever after. Unfortunately, we have to disappoint you, fairy tales are not true.

I mean, have you ever had hair so long and strong that a man could use it to climb into your bedroom? And have you ever kissed a frog that then turned into a handsome knight? Despite what stories, movies, novels and even music have taught us, not all women are looking for overly masculine and fearless men.

In the real world, such men do not get as much interest from women as they would like.

Extremely manly men do not get as much interest from women as they would like.

Just what kind of men attract women?

Online dating site EliteSingles has found out research, with the aim of finding out what type of men attract women the most (and vice versa). Are you ready for the big reveal?

A 2014 survey shows that as many as 76 percent of women are attracted to him feminine man. Perhaps the reason is that women no longer feel the need to be rescued or protected. Basically, men and women are attracted to each other's similarities. As many as 59 % men who consider themselves "men" are naturally attracted to those women who identify the same as them, i.e. women with "more testosterone".

dr. Wiebke Neberich pointed out that there are two theories in relationships. The first is that we are attracted to those who are similar to us and the second, which we have heard countless times, is that opposites attract.

He believes that similar couples have a better chance of having a long-term relationship because the whole partnership is more realistic that way. "The key to a healthy relationship is that two people understand and support each other: women and men with similar personalities usually get along better, because they have similar needs, emotional intelligence and usually perceive things in a similar way. All this can help them avoid conflicts." explains Dr. Wiebke Neberich.

After all, finding that right person is still complicated! Although studies are an interesting subject, ultimately chemistry is the most important.

Women fall for gentler souls.

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