What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a dystopian society? Is it something that has been a latent part of our lives since time immemorial and we have learned to live with it without even realizing it, or is it a phenomenon of modern 21st century society that brings horror to the fate of humanity, which no more hope? These photos may solve the puzzle.
Mark Fisher, the British cultural theorist, you probably know – coined the term in 2015 'boring dystopia', which refers to a commodity or blind coercion that takes place in capitalist society and promotes a vague feeling isolation or discomfort. Simply: if you don't research it, you might not even be aware of it.
That's how it came about on Reddit sub-Reddit with Title A Boring Dystopia, which is consecrated photos, in which our state is trapped companies. Photos will make you think about things, that are happening around you and in your private life.
Picture gallery – A dystopian society
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