
Samsung Galaxy Buds - A seriously badass piece of tech that can be yours for free

Advanced headphones or smart headphones will be booming this year. And it seems that Samsung has opened Pandora's box with the Samsung Galaxy Buds.

For many years, manufacturers have been dealing with the challenge he set for them Apple with headphones AirPods. But they are not always successful in their attempts. This time, Apple's biggest competitor, Samsung, took up this challenge and presented the Galaxy Buds wireless headphones, which go on sale with the Galaxy S10 and S10+ phones, or will be available from March 29 for an estimated price of 149 euros. Currently, the S10+ pre-orders are being offered for free in a bundle for all those who already pre-order the phones!

Galaxy Buds you will be just like Apple Airpods stored in a cute little box that also serves as a charging device. But you will be able to charge the latter wirelessly with the option of wireless energy transmission from your new smartphone Samsung Galaxy S10. There will be a lot of energy and if you charge the charger battery box, and at the same time ensure that the headphones are also charged, it will be "autonomy” music in your ears can last as much as 13 hours. Which definitely represents a lot of over-listened music.

Above all, us personally the design impresses and the way they are designed. To all who are AirPods a bit too industrial, will like that the ear part is made of latex this time, which is more pleasant to the touch. This kind of material is also promising more possibilities of use in sports. Finally, it should be emphasized that they look simply excellent. And this is also an asset in these times that should not be overlooked.

Not only the headphones are cute, but also the box!
It's not just the headphones that are cute, but the box as well!

She is also interesting software support for headphones, which makes connecting with devices extremely intuitive, almost like Apple. Namely, you just lift the lid of the headphone box and the devices that can connect already receive a connection notification.

Samsung is sound adjusted with the company AKG, which is directly owned by the corporation. And so we believe that the sound quality will not be bad, or rather it will definitely be very competitive. The story is very similar to that of Huawei, which uses the Leica brand as a photography partner. As we can see, it works very well.

Various technical solutions are interesting, such as perception of certain sounds from the environment, which you simply have to hear when wearing headphones (cars), because otherwise it could cause danger. Imagine a situation where yours has teenager with headphones in his ears. With the Galaxy Buds, the latter will hear you because the headphones will detect your speech and let it pass, or give it priority over the sound source.

You will hear important information from the surrounding area! / Samsung Galaxy Buds
You will hear important information from the surrounding area! / Samsung Galaxy Buds

Samsung has come up with a great product, which this time is offered free of charge to everyone who pre-orders the new Samsung Galaxy S10+. In this way, it basically creates an exceptional practice of connecting the user to an excellent ecosystem, in which you will be excited precisely because of all the sweets offered. That means you'll definitely want a new watch, too Samsung Galaxy Watch Active. With this, your technological connection will reach 2019 and even look beyond it. So your world will never be the same again.

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