
Samsung introduced a new foldable phone

While the flip smartphone Galaxy Fold is reaping positive opinions from its users, Samsung has already indicated the direction in which flip phones will go in the future.

Samsung The Galaxy Fold, after a bit of a rough start, finally found its first owners. They are quite satisfied with it and it should not be surprising that they will be for years to come in the name of flip smartphones. The desire for an ever-larger pocket screen is limited to the size of the pocket, so a foldable phone is a logical solution. Immediately after the launch of the Galaxy Fold phone, Samsung has been teasing users with to the new concept of a flip phone, which flips in a different direction than Fold. So like the good old Motorola Razr.

Whether this will be another device in the Fold line or perhaps even a glimpse into the future of the Galaxy S family is unknown. Samsung also remains secretive about the components and construction of the device itself. It is only known that the current target is such a switching device reduce and make them to users more friendly. It's right that manufacturers play intensively with different ideas. But every change requires some time before it is accepted. From generation to generation, even flip and multi-screen devices will become good enough to make buying them worthwhile. We look forward to this future.

Samsung smartphone concept
Samsung smartphone concept

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