
Samsung with batteries for electric cars. Battle with Tesla?

Samsung with batteries for electric cars - a battle with Tesla?

The batteries that power the cars of the future (can we say the present?) may be the biggest obstacle to the electric car industry from blossoming into perfection. They are underpowered and it is difficult to expect that we will be ready to 'refuel' every few kilometers (we are exaggerating a bit). But Samsung is said to have a solution.

At this year's fair Frankfurt Motor Show it is Samsung SDI, the battery division, introduced a battery that was supposed to enabled the car to travel 600 to 700 kilometers on a single charge, throwing down the gauntlet Tesla's Model S, because they they overtake by a full 320 kilometers.

The battery consists basically modules, which you can insert into the car and thus determine the duration of the drive. Technologically, however, they followed Tesla batteries "2170" with cylindrical cells, but how they managed to increase capacity, they probably won't reveal (yet). At the fair, they were still rather tight-lipped with other information.

But the fact is that such a powerful battery would make a huge shift in a positive direction in the electric car market, as the rest of the manufacturers would be forced to keep up with Samsung's battery. Such battles usually give good results.

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