
Sarah DeRemer: Hybrids between animals and their favorite foods

Sarah DeRemer is back. The artist, who is known for her photoshopped hybrids between animals and their favorite food, presents herself this time with the series "You Are What You Eat", which otherwise paints the cruel reality of the animal world, otherwise full of wonderful creatures, where most of them are not exactly in a friendly relationship, but rather in a relationship of prey and predator, but presents this in a sympathetic way through a bunch of interesting crossovers.

Animal world it is full of wonderful creatures, but it is far from peaceful. Only a few do not have to constantly look behind their backs. Equally, the vast majority cannot walk in the company of people because they are either a threat to them or they are a threat to us. Fortunately, we haven't become the boss ourselves prey which of the animals, which cannot be said by some other animals and plants.

READ MORE: 12 animals as fruits and vegetables that "grew" in Photoshop

A series of Photoshop photos”You Are What You Eat” (You are what you eat) Sarah DeRemer presents the victim-attacker relationship in an interesting way that serves up fun new animal species.

Check out the series of photos in the gallery

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