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Do you believe that there is always something to be grateful for somewhere?

No matter how good or bad the situation is, every day you wake up be grateful for your life. Always look at what you have instead of what you have lost. Because what life took from you doesn't count. What matters is what you do with what you have left.

There are moments in life when everything seems to go wrong. When cracks appear through which despair, hopelessness, fear and uncertainty creep into the heart. Then you should not give up. Here are some tips that might come in handy when things don't go as planned in your life.

1. Pain is part of growing up

Life sometimes closes doors on you because it's time to move on. And that's a good thing, because you often don't want to change anything until circumstances force you to. When times get tough, remember that pain never comes without a reason. Leave the pain behind, but never forget what it taught you. Just because you have to struggle doesn't mean you're a failure. Every great success requires struggle.

Be patient and positive. Everything will be fine in the end. Maybe not right away, but eventually it will. Remember that there are two kinds of pain: pain that can hurt you and pain that will change you. When you surrender to life, instead of resisting it, you let the pain help you grow.

2. Everything is temporary

Whenever it rains, it stops. Every time you get wounded, the wound heals. After darkness always comes light. You often forget this and prefer to believe that darkness will last forever. It won't. Nothing lasts forever.

If times are good, enjoy them. If the weather is bad, don't worry too much because it won't last forever. Just because life is hard right now doesn't mean you shouldn't laugh. Just because something is bothering you doesn't mean you can't smile. Every moment gives you a new beginning and a new end. Every second you get a new chance. You just have to take advantage of it.

3. Worrying and regretting won't change anything

Those who complain the most do the least. It's always better to try and do something big and fail than nothing at all. It's not all over if you're lost. It's over when you can't do anything but complain. If you believe in something, keep trying.

Don't let the shadows of the past get in the way of the future. If you spend all day today complaining about yesterday, tomorrow will not be better. Do something instead. Let what you've already learned improve your life. And no matter what happens, remember that true happiness only starts to come when you stop complaining about your problems and start being grateful for all the problems you don't have.

Worry and regret won't change anything.

4. Your scars are just symbols of your strength

Never be ashamed of the scars that life has given you. A scar means that the pain is over and the wound is healed. It means you got over the pain, learned the lesson, got stronger and moved on. The scar is a tattoo of victory that you should be proud of.

Don't allow yourself to become a victim of your scars. Don't let them make you live in fear. You can't get rid of scars, but you can change the way you look at them. Start looking at scars as a sign of strength rather than pain. The poet Rumi once said: "A wound is a place where light enters you."

5. Even a small fight is a step forward

The essence of patience is not waiting. It is the ability to have a positive attitude as you strive to achieve your dreams. Once you decide to try, go all the way. Otherwise, there's no point in even bothering. With every obstacle you overcome, you are stronger and closer to your final goal.

6. The negativity of others is not your problem

When surrounded by negativity, be positive. Smile. When others treat you badly, stay true to yourself. Don't let someone else's resentment change your personality. You shouldn't take things personally, even if they seem personal. People react not because of you, but because of themselves.

And above all, never change to impress someone who says you're not good enough. Change only to become a better person. If you strongly believe in something, don't be afraid to fight for it. Great strength comes from the ability to master what others think is impossible.

Your scars are just symbols of your strength.

7. What is meant to be will happen

Real strength comes when you have many reasons to regret, but you prefer to laugh and appreciate life. There are good things in every struggle, but you have to open your mind and heart to see them. Things don't happen by force. At some point you have to let go and let things happen.

Ultimately, loving your life means trusting your intuition, taking risks, losing sometimes and finding happiness, cherishing memories and learning from experiences. You have to stop worrying and doubting every step of the way. Always be aware and enjoy life as it unfolds in front of you. You may not end up where you wanted to be, but eventually you will get to where you should be.

8. The best thing you can do is move on

Never be afraid to try again. To love again, to live again or to dream again. Don't let a painful lesson harden your heart. The best life lessons are learned in the worst times and from the worst mistakes. There will be periods when you feel like everything has gone wrong and it can't get any worse. And you may feel like there is no way out. But it's never like that. When you're almost ready to give up, remember that sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better.

Find the strength to laugh every day. Find the strength to feel different but beautiful at the same time. Find a way to make others laugh too. Don't worry about things you can't change. Live simply, love sincerely and speak from the heart. And above all, never give up!

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