
Libra to keep track of New Year's resolutions

"I really start to lose weight in January!". Familiar? Every year again? Perhaps the Withings Smart Body Analyzer will help.

Basic information
Withings Smart Body Analyzer
The price

Since measuring body weight alone is not enough for a rough overview of our body's health, they created Withings Smart Body Analyzer. This scale offers much more information, in addition to weight, it also measures body fat, resting heart rate and room air quality. If this is too bad, the device warns us, and it also warns us if, for example, we are losing too much weight. The device can be controlled by eight people at the same time. All this is easily connected to the application and displayed on our mobile phone. With this information, it's easier to monitor our progress, and maybe this scale helps us to make it this time New Year's resolutions but the fertile soil fell.

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