
Science has confirmed: couples who really love each other gain weight in their relationship

Science has confirmed: couples who really love each other gain weight in their relationship

Eating patterns often change when a loved one enters our lives. And unfortunately, often for the worse. Hourglasses and triangular shoulders take on an oval shape that partners simply get used to. And all this happens because of love, says science.

The idea to go love through the stomach, obviously true, because in many researches scientists find, that happy couples are more likely to gain weight.

V research, conducted at the University of North Carolina, researchers tracked weight measurements of more than 8000 people, who participated in the research. They found that they could a married woman gains about 11 kilograms in the first five years of her marriage. Women who lived with their partners but were not married gained 10 kilograms. Those women who did not live with partners, gained six pounds kilograms.

Women who lived with partners but were not married gained about 10 kilograms.
Women who lived with partners but were not married gained 10 kilograms.

Men are among gained weight by transitioning from single to partner life - the results showed that men who lived with their partner for more than two years gained more than 11 kilograms compared to men who did not live with their partner.

The study concluded that there is a strong link between romantic relationships and weight gain. As they found, there is difficulty in long-term romantic relationships increased, but there is said to be a significant reduction in smoking and alcohol abuse.

Men who lived with their partner for more than two years gained more than 11 kilograms.
Men who lived with their partner for more than two years gained more than 11 kilograms.

He also did more research US National Institutes of Health, in order to study whether weight gain in newlyweds is a positive or negative reflection of their happiness. The study analyzed couples who had been married for more than four years, looking at their emotional health and stress levels. The scientists found that happily married couples were twice as likely to gain weight as couples who reported being unhappy.

Happily married couples are twice as likely to gain weight as couples who report being unhappy.
Happily married couples are twice as likely to gain weight as couples who report being unhappy.

In the study, they came to the conclusion that happy couples gain weight because because they feel happy and have no need to conquer other potential partners. Unhappy couples, on the other hand, are unable to gain more weight due to the increased level of stress they experience in the relationship.

Similar conclusions were also reached by researchers from New England Journal of Medicine, who found that weight gain contagious. If one partner gains weight, the other partner has a 37% chance of gaining weight themselves. The reason for this is said to lie in the habits to which both are adapting. Couples who are unhappy, however, spend less time together, which is also thought to have an effect on them not gaining weight.

We cannot say that it is in everyone partnership relationship so, as every relationship has a different dynamic – many couples also swear by a healthy lifestyle and are engaged in some kind of sports activity, but the findings of scientists certainly interesting enough, yes to the plan pull out a dusty scale and check, how it seems to you with a loved one.

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