
Science proves that people are happiest in their 40s

Photo: Pexels

I'm sure you've heard the story many times that your twenties are the happiest, maybe even that there's nothing better than childhood. Fortunately for all those who have lived through those years and moments, new research shows that youth is not the secret to happiness.

V research the respondents answered at what age would rather stop time. Most of them answered that they were the happiest years for them after the age of 36.  Namely, during these years, a person should get a different perspective on your life, as it acquires a different meaning and more solid foundations. With experience, he should gain more wisdom, knowledge and also happiness.

When a person enters the world of adulthood, he begins to enjoy all areas of life
Photo: Pexels

At the age of about 40, a person feels financially more secure, has his own home, his regular job. But you can also reaches new milestones and your personal progress. When a person enters the world of adulthood, he begins to enjoy all areas of life, becomes more relaxed, satisfied with himself, accepts his age, begins to live healthier and take care of himself.

Above all, he finds his own inner peace, does not bother with small things, and has family and friends by his side. The respondents also confirmed the fact that it is necessary to accept one's age and not to worry about wrinkles on the face and to realize that it is no longer possible to return to youth. The survey confirmed that the forties are the happiest, because we start much more optimistic view on life and appreciate it in all its forms.

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