
Science reveals what men are like who earn less than their partner

Photo: envato

Although women and men are equal, there is still a gender gap in earnings. This means that men generally earn more than their partners. But how does it affect the relationship when the opposite happens?

Does monthly income really affect relationships? A study from Great Britain gives us the answer.

To find out how income affects the relationship, Dr. Vanessa Gash, a sociologist from City University in London, conducted an extensive survey in which she examined approximately 40,000 British households.

Based on the analysis of the obtained data, she came to an interesting conclusion. "We found out that men who earn less than their partners in a relationship literally suffer," said Gasheva.


According to a study, men who earn less than their partner are less satisfied with their relationship.

"These results show that the difference in the payment of partners is actually related to men's ego, as the belief that they are the ones responsible for the well-being of the family is still deeply rooted in their subconscious."

Is it really all about ego and outdated gender roles?

The difference in pay should not be the reason for happiness or unhappiness in a relationship, regardless of whether the woman or the man earns more.

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