
Scientists have found a genre of music that will instantly put you to sleep

Sleep is considered a very important part of a person's life, as it is the time when the body gathers new strength for everything that the next day brings. But many people cannot boast of a good night's sleep, but they try to induce it in every way. You can try this type of music, which scientists claim is the best for sleeping.

Concern about poor sleep can be a serious problem, but fortunately in the new one research on the positive effects of meditative music on sleep scientists note that now it's a good time to play a special kind of music before bed.

Play music before bed, but pay attention to the genre.
Play music before bed, but pay attention to the genre.

It's in research 149 healthy adults (the average age of the participants was 26 years) v on three separate nights listened to different genres music, while the researchers measured their heart rate, anxiety level and ability to sleep.

The participants listened to music three nights in a row.
The participants listened to music three nights in a row.

The first evening the participants listened to before going to bed meditative yoga music, pop music on the second night, but on the third night they listened to nothing. Each night, the researchers measured theirs heart rate five minutes before starting listening to music, ten minutes after starting listening and five minutes after listening. In addition, they are participants also reported their level of anxiety before and after the music session.

Meditative music was most effective in reducing anxiety.
Meditative music was most effective in reducing anxiety.

The study showed that it was meditative music most effective in reducing people's anxiety before bed, and pop music and complete silence caused anxiety. Lying in silence is therefore not the best way to sleep. If you want to fall asleep quickly and feel relaxed, play meditative yoga music instead, and some stretching exercises will not be superfluous either.

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