
Scientists say that this is the most optimal hour to start work!


We all know the morning routine well. Alarm clock, snooze, snooze, snooze, coffee, leaving home. In most people, this provokes some anger and morning sickness. Today we bring you the best news - scientists have discovered the optimal time to start work. Does the early hour still apply - the golden hour?

Scientist Paul Kelly from the University of Oxford says that the work should actually start at 10 o'clock! He thinks that you are a modern society, which actually lack of sleep, starting work early doesn't really do any good, and neither does ours natural circadian rhythm it does not conform to the requirements of a typical eight-to-four or nine-to-five workday. As we age, our rhythms shift, and this is also the reason our parents or grandparents jump out of bed before eight in the morning without a care.

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According to the Pew Research Center the majority of the workforce consists of people between the ages of 18 and 34. So maybe it's time to adapt to the needs of our generation. After all, lack of sleep is very happy to take revenge and leave unpleasant consequences on the body, such as an increased risk of depression, obesity and addiction.
So will we soon be sleeping longer in the morning to be more productive?

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