
Scoutee - Slovenian ball speed meter measures the pulse of the market on Kickstarter

Scoutee Baseball Velocity Meter

Scoutee is a Slovenian baseball speedometer, which recently started its Kickstarter company, with which it wants to raise 50 thousand US dollars to start production. The start is encouraging, but the ball is round, as they say, so the team must not chill the champagne yet. It is a radar device that measures the speed of the ball used in baseball (it is expected to measure other types of balls in the future), and their target group in the first phase is aspiring baseball players as well as coaches.

Scout it is Slovenian ball speed meter, which is on Kickstarter started a 44 day march towards a financial goal 50 thousand dollars. It is an extremely small radar that measures speed via a wireless connection Bluetooth transferred to a smartphone or tablet and stored in the dedicated application database for further analysis. But speed is not all you can squeeze out of it, as they are also accessible other elements of the ball's travel, you can follow progress, record your flight and share the information with your teammates, coach or friends.

The device was kneaded for a year, during which time it was also received seminal injection by a venture capital fund Eleven from Bulgaria.

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It is more than obvious that Scoutee, the first ball speed meter of its kind, is aimed primarily at the non-European market to the American one (baseball also has many fans in Central America and Canada, as well as in Japan, Taiwan and Korea), where baseball insanely popular and where therefore a lot of money is turned. So there's room for everyone, including the Scoutee he's standing behind Miha Uhan, a former baseball player who wants to use this fact to his advantage, and later adapt the device for other sports, where ball speed is important (tennis, soccer, handball, etc.).

Scoutee will greatly improve baseball training.
Scoutee will greatly improve baseball training.

In addition to Miha, others are participating in the project Tomaž Korošec (radio frequency engineer), Luka Mali (brains for the hardware) and Majda Dodevska (PR and marketing). You can attach the Scoutee to the back of your smartphone/tablet as a fridge magnet, to a tripod or simply hold it in your hands.

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