
Seatac - a 100 million superyacht that moves like a whale

Seataci superyacht concept

Seataci's new superyacht aims to change the way luxury travel is done on the water. The vessel, which imitates the movement of a whale, is signed by industrial designer Charles Bombardier, who is no stranger to unusual designs. As much as 100 million dollars will have to be paid for the ecoyacht!

If you plan to shell out for the yacht 100 million US dollars, it is better to have out-of-the-box characteristics. Let's say tropical garden on the deck, two swimming pools, a heliport for drones and a different way of sailing. Superyacht Seatacs has all of the above. It was designed by a renowned industrial designer Charles Bombardier and more resembles a whale than a classic yacht. This is not a coincidence.

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This superyacht is anything but a classic vessel.
This superyacht is anything but a classic vessel.

Instead of propellers like the rest of the yachts, she has a stabilizing platform on each side, and her stern not only resembles whale tail fin, but also imitates movement of this mammal. The three 'fins' create waves that move the yacht like a whale. In contrast to other yachts, the Seataci concept is completely ecologically oriented. It works on the principle of hydroelectric power plants. Each ship will be built according to the wishes of the client, so the dimensions, capacity and speed are not fixed.

Gallery  Seataci is a superyacht that moves like a whale:

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