
Secrets of the deep sea through the prism of Tood Bretl

Todd Bretl - photomontage?! Or an extraordinary coincidence?

The secrets of the marine world captured by photographer Todd Bretl are at times so surreal that they completely take you over. Definitely photos that make you fall in love with the mysteries of the depths.

For everyone who has ever "snorkeled" and thus fell in love with the underwater world, there will be a photographer  Todd Bretl definitely a star. His portraits of animals that are created deep below the surface are so personal and in touch with nature. Todd he has no problem swimming towards the jaws of a great white shark for a good photo. And in those moments, the most extraordinary photos of the underwater world are created, which take your breath away.

Todd Bretl - Close to Hungry Jaws.
Todd Bretl – Close to Hungry Jaws.
Todd Bretl - a portrait of the most dangerous marine predator.
Todd Bretl – a portrait of the most dangerous marine predator.
Todd Bretl - Dolphin.
Todd Bretl – Dolphin.
Todd Bretl - The orange gaze of a mysterious creature.
Todd Bretl - The orange gaze of a mysterious creature.
Todd Bretl - Nature is wonderful.
Todd Bretl - Nature is beautiful.
Todd Bretl - the secret is in the details.
Todd Bretl - the secret is in the details.
Todd Bretl - the clown - better known as Mr. Mute.
Todd Bretl - the clown - better known as Mr. Mute.
Todd Bretl - if you catch the right moment.
Todd Bretl - if you catch the right moment.
Todd Bretl - photomontage?! Or an extraordinary coincidence?
Todd Bretl - photomontage?! Or an extraordinary coincidence?
Todd Bretl - Right on Time.
Todd Bretl - Right on time.
Todd Bretl - Stop Motion.
Todd Bretl - Stop Motion.
Todd Bretl - Underwater still life.
Todd Bretl - Underwater Still Life.
Todd Bretl - Time for Lunch!
Todd Bretl - Time for Lunch!

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