
Look at your fingerprint: what research says about you!

Look at your fingerprint: what research says about you!

Scientists have long toyed with the idea of whether we can infer anything about our personality from our appearance. For example, Darwin's cousin Galton was already intensively dealing with this. Nowadays, among other things, the research of authentic prints in connection with personality and temperamental traits is widespread. Read what research says your fingerprint says about you.

The personality of each individual is unique and it is difficult to limit it to just a few features. The entire individual's is even more difficult we only associate uniqueness with certain body gestures, which are necessarily influenced by an infinite number of factors. Still, it's fun to read similar attempts connecting the appearance and personality traits. Read what research says your fingerprint says about you.

This is what your fingerprint says about you, according to research...



If your fingerprint is loopy, according to research, you are probably sanguine. This means that you are warm and open and that you make new acquaintances without any problems. You have a wide network of people (and not just acquaintances, but true friends) and you take relationships seriously. You really like to help and your intentions are always pure.

Parallel windings

Parallel windings
Parallel windings

If your fingerprint consists of squiggles that run horizontally from one end of your finger to the other, you probably belong to a temperamental type called choleric. Cholerics are self-confident and bursting with energy. You are probably quite stubborn and persistent. You never leave work unfinished, and you are loyal to your friends and partner to the moon and back.



The disc fingerprint is associated with a phlegmatic temperament. Phlegmatics are very calm and rarely any event throws them off track. If you have this fingerprint, you are probably a bit reserved and don't like being the center of attention.

A mix of patterns

A mix of patterns
A mix of patterns

People with a mixed pattern tend to be non-conformist and headstrong. If you have this pattern, you probably stand firmly behind your opinion and are not inclined to be swayed by the wind. Those around you sometimes interpret this as arrogance.

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