
Natalia Abramova's Moscow Circus on Ice

The circus performance Sensation: Moscow Circus on Ice by Natalija Abramova will start its tour in Slovenia. The best Russian circus performers will perform on December 9, 2016 in Ljubljana, on December 10, 2016 in Celje, on December 11, 2016 in Koper, on December 12, 2016 in Maribor and on October 13, 2016 in Nova Gorica. Don't miss the magical show, where exceptional circus performers, magicians, skaters and acrobats will take you into a real pre-Christmas atmosphere.

Important information
Ljubljana, Tivoli hall
Facebook event
Entrance fee
26 €

Sensation: Natalia Abramova's Moscow Circus on Ice is coming  December 9, 2016 to Slovenia, where he also starts his tour. Unforgettable acrobatics on ice will be accompanied by colorful costumes, magical special effects and dramatic music. The best Russian circus performers will perform on ice skates, who will perform in front of an excited audience tightrope walk in skates and performed various mighty acrobatics.

The Moscow Ice Circus will take your breath away
The Moscow Ice Circus will take your breath away.

The Moscow Ice Circus has been around for years 1964 established AG Arnold, one of the most renowned circus directors of their time. The specialty of the circus on ice is that, in addition to acrobatics, it also includes ballet and figure skating figures. During its performance, the cast has impressed more than 200 million fans worldwide. The Moscow Ice Circus is still considered a a pioneer of a new type of circus, where he tirelessly leads and sets new standards to your followers.

In addition to acrobatics, the audience will also witness ballet routines
In addition to acrobatics, the audience will also witness ballet routines.

In Slovenia, the Moscow Ice Circus will start its tour of the show Sensation. You can watch the performance in on four different dates, in different Slovenian cities. December 9, 2016 the performance will premiere in Ljubljana, but it will happen again December 11 in Koper, December 12 in Maribor and October 13 in Nova Gorica. You are invited to, together with your family, at accompanied by this unforgettable performance, enter the magical time of pre-Christmas events. There are tickets already on sale.

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