
Vinyl Me service sends a vinyl record to your mailbox

Tired of your 'playlist' and don't know what to listen to? The Vinyl Me service sends a vinyl record to your mailbox. The subscription, which costs about 30 euros per month (44 $), will open the door to a wide world of new and old, commercial and less popular, and in any case, crazy quality music.

Vinyl Me, Please is a company that believes in power good music recorded in a quality format. Music, like all other forms of art, should be respected, cherished and learned from it about life, friendship and love. An important part of this process is that of individuals attitude towards music. Vinyl Me service sends the vinyl record to your mailbox and thus take care of yours musical education and listening pleasure of the highest technical and artistic quality. The company sends users home one record every month that is worthy of all listening attention and reflection. They also attach more poster with artwork, inspired by the album, and cocktail recipe, which deepens the pleasure of listening to the elf.

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