
Seven gestures with which a man shows you that he likes you

Photo: IG @loveandwildhearts

We have compiled a collection of the most common gestures through which men express their true feelings. This is a surefire way to tell if there are sparks between you or not.

If you want to know what a man thinks about you, you have to ask him directly or play a guessing game. But it is enough to observe his pose. No matter what a man tells you, his physical gestures can reveal a lot more about his true intentions.

She is fixing her hair

In this way, men often increase their self-confidence. When they see an attractive person, they instinctively try to appear smarter by fixing their hair. This rule also applies to women.

He brings his hands closer to his waist

If a man keeps his hands close to his hips, whether they are in his pockets or on his waist, this is a very clear sign that he is trying to show his strength. He expresses the same thing if he sits with his legs apart.

It tries to occupy as much space as possible

In the animal world, when a male starts a fight for a female, he tries to attract the attention of the female by spreading feathers or hair to make them look as big and powerful as possible. A man does the same thing around a woman he likes. This ancient instinct cannot be resisted.

Takes an open position

In social interactions, we unconsciously adopt an open position towards a person we find attractive. Pay attention to his feet. Most people don't notice that these are facing the person they want to talk to.

He becomes more talkative

If a man becomes more talkative when you are in his line of sight, this is a sign that he wants to impress you.

Copies your position

Observe whether the man is in at least a partially similar position to you. If he does this while talking to you, he is trying to understand you and find common ground, which is subconsciously reflected in his body language.

His face becomes more expressive

If you like a man, his facial expression will be friendly and open. His gaze will also be kind, indicating fascination. If he's nervous, he might blush.

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