
Seven habits that are actually ruining your sex life

And don't even think that they are the reason that it is so!

The bed should be used for other things, not fights. Photo: We Vibe Wow Tech / Unsplash

Have you been thinking less about intimate relationships lately? Also, he/she no longer shows tenderness when you are together? Are you wondering just what happened? Has your love grown cold?

But you know it's not like that because you still want each other and love each other. Something is bothering you, but you just don't know what.

Let us in on a secret, seven of them? We reveal seven habits that could be the cause of your current problem.

You have pets in your bed

It's perfectly fine to let them sleep in your bed or bedroom from time to time. But when you want intimacy with your partner, the bed should be reserved just for the two of you. There really isn't room for anyone else in the bedroom then!

The phone is always with you, even in bed

It is true that many people are almost addicted to the phone and the constant flow of information it provides. But, you have to draw the line somewhere. If you're lying in bed with your partner and your phone in your hand, it's like you went to bed alone.

Your online presence takes you into a world of information and illusion. And you become absent in the real world, in which a person lies next to you with whom you could have a passionate sexual relationship, but you do not see them. The phone is more important to you. The phone does not belong in the bedroom. Put it down in the hall, wherever.

There's nothing wrong with falling asleep next to your pet sometimes, but don't forget your partner! Photo: Jamie Street/Unsplash

You don't know how to express your wishes

Communication is the key to successful relationships. You and your partner share life desires and attitudes, and you should not be embarrassed to share your sexual fantasies with them. Do not be afraid of your desires and needs, because as long as you hide them, they will remain unfulfilled. And as a result, you will be disappointed and your sex life and relationship will also suffer.

If you are afraid to share your desires in any area with your partner, ask yourself if you are in a relationship with the right person. The person you will live with should understand and know all your needs.

You don't care about foreplay

Don't be selfish in your sexuality. Sex is incomparably better when both parties enjoy it. Never think only of yourself and the fact that you are immediately "ready for action", but try to feel your partner's needs and fulfill them. Women often enjoy foreplay and need it to reach their climax, so you should always include foreplay in an intimate relationship. Likewise, a woman should satisfy her partner in a way that he likes and, of course, that both of them enjoy.

You have a bed that is not comfortable

You will spend almost a third of your life in bed. And just as having a comfortable, wide enough bed is important for healthy sleep, it is also important for your sex life. No one is comfortable making love in a bed that is not comfortable, is too narrow and creaks with every movement. You may even fear that it will break under your weight.

Talking in bed

Not only is it not recommended to go to bed angry, it is also not recommended to fight in bed. If you really need to talk with your partner, it should be in any room other than the bedroom, because you need to go to bed satisfied and recharge your batteries for the new day.

If you bring anxiety, unpleasant feelings and anger to bed, you will not rest in it. The bedroom and the bed will completely lose their purpose.

Photo: Kinga Cichewicz / Unsplash

You are delaying sex

You are tired. But, you're not always so tired that you can't handle tenderness. Don't make excuses for not having sex because you're tired. Intimacy is not a triathlon that drains all your energy. Of course, you may be tired after it, but it will recharge your emotional batteries and you will feel great! Be pleasantly tired with a smile on your face!

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